Archive for ToA

D&D AL – Tomb of Annihilation – falling by the wayside

Posted in Campaign, D & D 5e, D&D, Encounters with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on August 17, 2018 by vobeskhan

So I have fallen way behind in my posting of our gaming sessions, partly because not wanting to spoil things for the other tables playing through it at the store and partly due to being more excited for the coming story arc – Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.

We have about 2 sessions for each of my tables left so I will try and post a summary once we finish.

Both Team Zorbo and Team Chwinga are currently in the Tomb itself and both are facing the challenges head on. WIll they succeed and defeat the Death Curse, who knows.

D&D AL – Tomb of Annihilation – Its good to be King

Posted in Campaign, D & D 5e, D&D with tags , , , , , , , , , , on June 17, 2018 by vobeskhan

Apologies once again for the lack of updates, I have been extremely busy arranging, preparing and organising not only our fortnightly AL games but also the Rrakkma event day game too. So here is a brief catch up of the adventures of Teams Zorbo and Chwinga.

Team Zorbo

Using the AL rules for between session spellcasting services they were able to un-petrify the barbarian and went back into the shrine only for the cleric to succumb to the petrification! Thankfully they were able to find a cure in the session but the cost of which was making a deal a powerful npc that may or may not come back to bite them in the future.

The hero’s continued their search of Omu and the Shrines and also had a run in with the King of Feathers which resulted in one of them being devoured by the massive beasty before it moved off to digest its meal.

While they really wanted to hunt the King down they knew they had a mission at hand and focused on recovering the puzzle cubes. They also had another encounter with the insane tabaxi Bag of Nails and this time thanks to quick spellcraft were able to kill the  crazy cat man.

They soon realised that at least one of the cubes was in the hands of the yuan to and so headed up towards the entrance to the snake mens lair beneath the former palace of Omu.

Team Chwinga

The hero’s continued to search Omu and encountered the froghemoth at Kubazan’s shrine. They also ran afoul of a visit from the King of Feathers to which their ranger companion fell and was devoured.

They came across what seemed to be a ruined camp belonging to the Red Wizards but decide to leave the remains alone and search onwards.

They were victim to an ambush from Bag of Nails and chasing after the cat followed his tracks, narrowly avoiding a concealed pit trap but then the paladin failed to jump across and fell into it anyway. Continuing to follow the cat tracks they came across a greenhouse, while the cleric collected some fruit the swashbuckler decided to start destroying the vines, only for a pair of assassin vines to take exception to this and attack. Having taken a bit if a beating they decide to leave the cat alone and get back to looking for the cubes.

Unfortunately the wizard’s hackles were up and when he realised a pair of yuan ti were watching he chased them through the back streets until he caught up with them as they entered a wide clearing between buildings and a dozen of their allies! However one of them held up his hand to forestall hostilities and announced that Ras Nsi wanted an audience with them. The hero’s warily agreed.

In the meeting they find that Ras had the missing cubes and wanted the hero’s to enter the tomb and destroy the soulmonger as he too was suffering the curse. If they did so he would guarantee their safe exit from Omu afterwards.

D&D AL – Tomb of Annihilation – The good, the bad, and the what the hell is that

Posted in Campaign, D & D 5e, D&D, Encounters with tags , , , , , , , , , on May 13, 2018 by vobeskhan

Apologies all, I have been lax for the last month in keeping this recount updated. So here is an albeit brief update of the last two sessions of both teams progress within the lost city of Omu.

Team Zorbo

Encamped in the former sleeping den of the dinonychus’s the party rested but during the night they heard a massive “whump” as if a large beast had dropped its bulk to the ground heavily. Deciding that investigating in the dark would be too dangerous they waited until morning. Rising with the light they made preparations and stealthily made their way back to the larger broken open chamber. As they entered they could see the rear end of a massive dinosaur before them, blocking the exit to the outside, the beast seeming to big to enter the chamber fully and still at slumber. The heroes rushed it and ferociously attacked, with weapons, spells and everything at their disposal.

Until their druid called a halt, realising that the target of their assault was already dead. Investigating they discovered not the King of Feathers they expected but the remains of a large tyrannosaur, apparently left for later consumption. The heroes (wisely) decide to continue their explorations.

They come across another shrine, which Orvex identifies as dedicated to Wongo. Inside they solve the puzzle but then have to face a group of Su-monsters, their psychic screams assaulting the party over and over, but the heroes prevail, emerging from the shrine with another puzzle cube – however they emerge to find Orvex and Salida kneeling on the ground surrounded by a group of armed men led by four figures in red robes.

These prove to be Orvex’s previous employers who also seek the cubes in order to get to the source of the death curse and an uneasy alliance is arranged with the youngest of the wizards accompanying the party. They east towards what they suspect is another shrine, finding it guarded by a group of crocodiles, while most of the party get across easily one of them falls in the deeper water and is confronted by a giant crocodile. The party is eventually able to overcome it, though the young female wizard makes a remark that she could have made things much easier if they had let her.

Entering the shrine they identified it as being dedicated to Papazotl. Inside they were wary of the statuary and the barbarian pre-emptively took their heads off. Once they solved the puzzle of the shrine they waited eagerly as the pedestal rotated but sadly no cube was forthcoming.

Moving on they headed past the waterfall in the northeast end of the city, here they all saw a vision of a black sphere of energy swallowing the city but as it posed no threat they paid it no heed and continued on towards a triangular structure they believed to be another shrine. As they approached they saw grung of different colours on top and in front of the shrine, unfortunately the ranger (despite being able to speak grung) must have done something to upset them and were quickly under attack by the amphibians.

The grung atop the structure peppered the party with bow shots, while those on the ground attacked the paladin and barbarian with a young hadrosaur  beside them. The battle was short but brutal as the ranger was slain by the arrows and the paladin lost consciousness. The barbarian was forced to retreat carrying her injured companion and leading Salida and the young wizard to safety. The grung did not pursue.

While looking for suitable hiding place they find a camp hidden within a building, and shortly after its owner returned, an old tabaxi. He shared his meagre camp with them and even offered to take a turn on watch. Unfortunately he had poisoned the meal and during the night the effects were felt, while the rest of the party fell ill, elderly Orvex died from it. The young wizard said that she could make him still useful, and proceeded to reanimate his corpse. With no sign of the treacherous tabaxi they returned to Nangnang’s shrine but there was no sign of the grung around. Inside it was full of treasures and they recovered another puzzle cube.

Moving on they then came to the shrine of Oba’Laka, exploring they discovered two magical pools and eventually a chamber with the cube and a statue of a human wizard. The barbarian grabbed the cube and they ran for the exit, but unfortunately just before they reached the exit to the shrine she turned to stone and the cube disappeared …..

Team Chwinga

Their new companions introduced themselves as Artus and Dragonbait, although Artus did all the talking as Dragonbait seemed unable (or unwilling) to communicate in any verbal form. They were adventurers searching Chult for something and agreed to assist the party for a while. They all headed for the nearest shrine, Oba’Laka’s, and encountered the magical pools and stature (see above) and lo and behold, their barbarian too was turned to stone. They did manage to recover the cube though and dragged their petrified companion out with them, only to be confronted by a group of armed men and red robed wizards. After a brief but intense discussion the wizards agreed to do what they could for the barbarian (restoring him to his normal form) but the party must retrieve another cube for them from a shrine to the south, to ensure they complied one of the wizards (a middle-aged woman with a shaved head) would accompany them.

She led them to the edge of the rift with steam rising from where the waters of the flooded section emptied into the lava filled chasm below, with a column of land some sixty foot out into the lava and a shrine situated upon it. The heroes decided that rather than keep to their bargain they would try to push the mage into the lava … unfortunately it didn’t work and combat ensued. Five on one odds were not in her favour so she decided to try and take as many of them with her as possible and dropped a fireball at her feet. Being an Evoker she was protected but unfortunately it wasnt as powerful as she hoped and the heroes survived the blast and made short work of her. Aware that the her companions may well have heard the blast they regrouped and ran for cover.

They too came across a helpful tabaxi, and took refuge in his hiding place; and they too were poisoned by him. Next morning amidst much cursing of the tabaxi they headed out and investigated the shrine of Unkh. Here they retrieved another cube and then as they came out were attacked by a gigantic dinosaur, though this was not the one they had previously seen within the palace area. This beast was as large but massive chunks of its flesh were torn, rotting or missing. As they heroes began to fight against it a large slab of its flesh tore away and dropped over the ranger, trapping him within it. The wounds the heroes inflicted seemed not to bother it, but then the dwarven cleric held forth his holy symbol and commanded the beast to be gone and lo and behold it turned tail and sped away. The heroes did not give chase.

Crossing the river that bisected the city the heroes were shot at and looking back they saw briefly the grass head-dress of the tabaxi. Rather than chase after they decided to continue onwards. They came to another shrine, the depictions showing a large leopard creature with snakes coming from its shoulders. inside they found statues and some sort of fighting pit. Entering the pit triggered the appearance of a quartet of terracotta warriors. The heroes fought against them, the ranger rushing back upstairs to the ground level to then hang from the bars and shoot at the warriors, but they then all turned, surrounded him and beat him to a lifeless pulp. The remaining heroes finally managed to defeat the warriors and placed their bronze spears in the statues hands and released the cube …. but there was no cube!

D&D AL – Tomb of Annihilation – Big trouble in little Omu

Posted in Campaign, D & D 5e, D&D, Encounters with tags , , , , , , , , , on April 9, 2018 by vobeskhan

Team Zorbo

With almost half their party suddenly missing (unable to make the session) it was looking grim for the remaining heroes as the clay warriors continued their assault, but thanks to the barbarians adamantine weapon and the dwarven clerics Spirit Guardians they were finally able to overcome the guardians of Shagambi’s shrine and place the bronze spears in the statues hands to release the puzzle cube – though not before the paladin was slain by one of the guardians.

Tired, battered and bruised the heroes decided to take refuge within the shrine for the night, and as the ranger was keeping a careful watch he spied a lone figure staggering through the night towards them but unaware that it was being stalked by a dinonychus. Just as the predator was about to pounce a massive dino appeared as if from nowhere and ate the smaller one in a single powerful bite before disappearing just as suddenly.

The staggering figure approached the shrine and was revealed to be the lone survivor of a group of adventurers (our fallen paladins next surrogate, also a paladin). Thankfully the rest of their night was undisturbed and the next morning amidst torrential rain they continued to explore, heading northward along one of the main avenues towards another of the shrines Orvex had identified for them.

This one was dedicated to I’Jin and had an entrance tiled with animal designs. It took the heroes a little while to work out the puzzle of the tiles but they were eventually able to do so and recover another of the puzzle cubes without too much trouble.

Continuing north they spied an overturned cart with several floral tributes laid before it, as they watched a group of small humanoid plants brought fresh garlands and placed them reverently. After the strange plant men walked away to the east the heroes approached and investigated. After a few moments a chwinga appeared, despite offering it food as they had before it seemed to want more flowers. A quick search revealed a flowering plant in what remained of a nearby garden but as the barbarian and paladin approached to pluck a flower it released a cloud of spores and the barbarian began to attack the paladin. Even after the plant had been destroyed the barbarian continued to fight on for a few minutes until whatever strange effect wore off. Returning to the Chwinga with one of the flowers it scuttled under the cart and returned with a stone covered in markings. Orvex was excited to read it and after taking a rubbing was sure he could use it to assist him in translating further inscriptions they could come across.

Eager to get a further lay of the land they continued north to the large amphitheater they had previously seen from afar, arriving to find it a carrion house with discarded remains of several animals, dinosaurs and humanoids. While Salida and Orvex hid amongst the stone stepped seating the heroes delved into the tunnels cut into and below them. The smell was worse in here and from up ahead could be heard the sounds of animals sleeping in slumber.

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Investigating the discovered a small group of dinonychus slumbering in a dogpile. The heroes didn’t hesitate and dispatched the sleeping dinos without respite or remorse. Continuing through the tunnels they found a larger one that looked like it had been broken into from outside the far corner and something large had excavated the interior to suit its needs. Thankfully whatever had done so wasn’t currently here so the heroes had a good nosey around, discovering some quite nice loot in the process. Deciding that it would best to face the rooms occupant when they were better rested they retreated back to the dinonychus’s room and had Orvex and Salida join them while they settled into an uneasy rest…….

Team Chwinga

The yuan-ti began firing their bows at the party, and the party were taking hits but with the barbarian charging into melee and the wizard blasting his arcane energies the three snakemen were dealt with. Investigating what they were guarding revealed a sloping tunnel ending in a massive double door with several large holes at the bottom. The heroes deduced that the snakemen could use these to travel through in snake form and the warlock took on a gaseous form to pass through and investigate further. Beyond the door he found more of the snakemen and a side tunnel. Heading down it he came to a room with a stone altar designed to collect the blood of sacrifices. Not wanting to be in the tunnels when his spell expired and he returned to his normal form the warlock returned to his companions.

Aware that they didn’t want to tackle more of those snakemen the party decided to head through the remains of the palace ruins to its southern side where the kobold had marked off another of the shrines on their map. As they did so they were attacked by another snakeman, this one was alone though and apparently a spell caster as he enabled himself to fly up out of reach of their melee weapons. Thankfully their ranged attacks and own spells were enough to bring him crashing back down.

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Continuing past the centre of the former palace they could see what remained of the central spire, some fifty feet or so across, as well as a massive dinosaur who’s tail was one side while its head was clearly visible on the other!

They rapidly agreed they did not want to tangle with so huge a beast and quickly tried to hide in the nearby ruins, but unfortunately their efforts the creature did spot (or hear) them and charged into them.

The wizard tried to run through its legs and get behind it, only to have its massive tail smash him into the ground and unconsciousness. The monk wisely decided to find a hole and hide in it. The barbarian charged up a broken staircase with a loop of rope, leaping off and hooking it over the beasts horned nose – and then it disappeared! In a puff of smoke it was gone, reappearing a short distance away and chomping down on the dwarf cleric, the holy warrior snapped up in the massive jaws.

It was then that a pair of figures came racing out of the ruins, a scruffy looking human holding what looked like a ball of ice, and what appeared to be either a lizardfolk or dragonborn but clearly neither wielding a wicked looking blade. The human blasted the dinosaur with the icy ball and the other slashed into it with its blade. The impacts causing it to drop the dwarf from its maw. It must have decided the meal wasn’t worth the trouble as it turned northward and quickly outdistanced the heroes, who were wise enough not to give chase.

Using potions and spells they brought those that fallen unconscious back to awareness and turned to the new arrivals ….

 Image result for dragonbait

D&D AL – Tomb of Annihilation – All reptiles great and small

Posted in Campaign, D & D 5e, D&D, Encounters with tags , , , , , , , , on April 1, 2018 by vobeskhan

As I noted last time, Team Zorbo had their session pulled forward so this post is just an update on how Team Chwinga fared in their last session.

Team Chwinga

As our intrepid band exited the shrine of Wongo they spied an Ankylosaurus wandering up one of the streets of Omu, suddenly a larger dinosaur (bigger than anything they had previously seen) lurched out of a side street and lunged at the ankylosaur, taking a massive bite out of it. The smaller dino died instantly from the savage assault and the bigger beast then simply disappeared in a cloud of mist.

Understandably shocked by this the heroes chose to head east through the rain-soaked streets. As they cautiously made their way they spot what used to be some kind of bazaar and decide to check it for any left over goodies. As they search around they discover a crude crossbow trap. After disabling it they search more thoroughly and discover a hidden trapdoor leading to an old cellar below. Below they find a cluster of kobolds, despite the leader having some spell casting ability the heroes quickly overcome them but keep the leader alive or questioning. Having found nowhere else better suited they decide to spend the night in the kobolds cellar.

Next day the weather hasn’t improved but they information they got off the kobold leads them to another of the shrines in the flooded section of the city. As they approach they can see a number of crocodiles lounging around the entrance and after finally realising the water wasn’t as deep as they originally thought they engaged the reptilian guards, and that was when their momma turned up – a giant crocodile. A short but brutal fight ensued but the heroes weathered it and then entered the shrine of Papazotl. There was a statue with an inscription which the mage was able to read thanks to his comprehend languages ritual, and then they had some hilarity in finally working out the puzzle.

Image result for crocodile

Needless to say they were eventually able to recover another of the puzzle cubes and then they chose to push on south towards the wall encircled palace area. As they got nearer they could see a sloping tunnel entrance leading under the ruins of the palace, with dozens of snakes around it. The dragonborn swashbuckler tried to sneak forward to investigate but unfortunately a trio of the snakes were not actually snakes as they transformed into humanoids with snake-like features and snatched up the weaponry they had secreted nearby and engaged the heroes.

And that was where we left off as time had once again beaten us.

D&D AL – Tomb of Annihilation – Flames, Snakes and lots of Ordeals

Posted in Campaign, D & D 5e, D&D, Encounters with tags , , , , , , , , , , on March 18, 2018 by vobeskhan

Team Zorbo

After a surprisingly undisturbed rest the heroes worked their way to the chamber at the far end of the bridge, discovering that it was sealed by a double lock of dwarvish construction. After a few miss tries they realised they needed to reforge the keys required but thankfully Musharib and his kin had the means to do so. With the rest of the mine cleared up they even managed to find a few survivors of his clan that been taken captive by the firenewts.

Upon opening the chamber they were able to finally see what Musharib had been searching for, the Gauntlet of Moradin. His clan was happy to reward the heroes with some adamantine ingots which with a few addition gold for their services enabled the dwarves to adapt some of the party’s weapons with the precious metal.

While the weapons were being prepared scouts came back reporting that enemies were approaching in the valley. The heroes bravely strode out to be confronted by …. kobolds! The barbarian and the druid made very short work of the little group of kobolds only then did they hear a deep throaty voice from behind them, up the cliff face above the entrance. Turning, they saw the kobolds master, Tzindalor the red dragon!

The dragon strafed the heroes with flame, claw and teeth and despite their best efforts they were forced to retreat into the caves of Hrakhamar. The dragon didn’t pursue but did unleash a final blast of its fiery breath down the tunnel which killed the duergar cleric.

Image result for red dragon attack

The heroes were in no fit state to continue battling the beast and retreated deeper into Hrakhamar to recover.

The following day, now armed with their adamantine weapons they strode (cautiously) out of the cave but the dragon had moved on to parts unknown. Musharib continued to lead the party west through the valley of lost hope. As they travelled they saw a group of scaly skinned creatures watching from afar but they didn’t attack or seem inclined to interact with heroes, content to just watch them pass by. After a few days of wet and wearying travel the party reached the south-western edge of a massive rent in the ground and Musharib pointed out that the ruined city in the rent was Omu. He sadly informed the heroes that the city was forbidden by his clan and that he had fulfilled his agreement to lead them here. However, if they survived their continuing adventures and needed a guide back to Port Nyanzaru they knew where to find him, and he bid them farewell.

The heroes descended ancient stone stairs leading to a small plateaux with a ruined guard station. As they neared they saw it was full of snakes writhing around the floor. The reptiles paid little heed to the party as they moved through the ruin, seeing signs of recent campfires and finding a wall covered in graffiti.

With nothing else attracting their attention the descended the filthy rough switchbacks to the floor of the rift and the city proper. As they were looking about one of them spotted a curl of smoke coming from a stone-walled compound to the north and so they headed towards it. They found the remains of a battle with wild dogs fighting over scraps of bodies. They fought the dogs off and began to examine the bodies when a snake headed figure attacked from behind a wall, along with several companions. Two had human bodies but the heads of snakes, two more were human apart from their arms were writhing snakes, and a final one was human from the waist up but had serpentine coils below.

The fight was brutal as the snake men used poisoned weapons and fangs but the heroes eventually won out. Continuing their search they heard a tapping and uncovered a man buried under the rubble. He introduced himself has Orvex, a scribe and translator hired by a group in Port Nyanzaru and brought here. Apparently half his group had gone north to continue their searching while he and the others remained here and were attacked by more of the snake men including ones that could cast magic. Orvex told them about they were looking for puzzle cubes in the various shrines to the nine trickster gods as they were essential in gaining access to the main tomb. The party asked Orvex if he would be willing to accompany them and he happily agreed. He knew of two shrines nearby and marked them on their map.

The heroes decided to go to the nearest one, Kubazan’s shrine. Here they found the shrine defended by a monstrous amphibious beast which at one point swallowed the druid whole but luckily was killed before it could digest her. In the shrine itself the cleric-mage sent his owl familiar to collect the cube they could see on the opposite side but this triggered a gas trap and the poor owl died. He then decided to use his own magics to retrieve the cube and escape the further gas. Buoyed by their success they headed for the other shrine Orvex knew of, this being the one dedicated to Shagambi.

There was no obvious defender outside, but inside the barbarian, druid and cleric dropped through the iron grille to the chamber below and were assaulted by a quartet of red clay warriors.

And that was where we leave them until next time …..


Team Chwinga

With a new day dawning the heroes looked out over the city of Omu in the great rift below them, the cliffs edging the city lined with ancient stone statues perched at their edges looking inwards. Here Eku bid her farewell having completed her task of guiding them to the city, she also revealed her true nature to them and bid them good fortune in their quest to end the Death Curse before flying away.

The heroes decided to combine their ropes so that they could rapel down the cliff, unfortunately as they began to do so two of the nearest statues sprung to life, revealing themselves to be gargoyles and attacked the party. Despite a lack of magical weaponry they heroes were able to defeat the monsters and eventual all made their way down the cliff.

Taking a brief rest to catch their breath the dragonborn decided to explore one of the nearby buildings, find a trio of odd-looking creatures cowering within.

The mage used his magic to enable him to communicate with them and found them to be non-hostile and gathered a little information about the immediate area from them.

The heroes struck out eastward across the north section of the city and came to a large spherical building with five short tunnel entrances. The outer four all ended in dead ends with peep holes viewing the central tunnels end chamber. Herein lay a statue of a monkey like creature they recognised as a Su-monster, balancing on its tail with all four paws looking like they could hold something. The mage used his magic to read the inscription and through deduction they realised they needed to look at the statue via the peepholes to solve a riddle. During this process three of the four that looked through the peepholes were transformed into animals and heavy portcullis dropped down to seal all the tunnel entrances. The two of them that had remained in the central chamber fought a pair of su-monsters and their transformed allies changed back.

It took a little while for them discover how to bypass the portcullis but eventually they did so, and that was when they heard a mighty bestial roar from nearby. And that was where we left off …..


Due to holiday commitments we brought forward Team Zorbo’s next session which is why it sounds like they got much more done that Team Chwinga this time around, but Team Chwinga shall be having their session as normal this week coming.

D&D AL – Tomb of Annihilation – Hot mines and icy receptions

Posted in Campaign, D & D 5e, D&D, Encounters with tags , , , , , , , , on February 28, 2018 by vobeskhan

Our teams continue their search for a cure to the Death Curse in the steamy jungles of Chult.


Team Zorbo

Having entered the mines of Hrakhamar the party encountered a pair of cheeky smoke mephits, other than a few pranks they posed no threat so they left them alone and continued into the mine itself. Here they encountered their first group of firenewt guards which the barbarian saw off without difficulty. Moving onwards they found what was left of the dwarves armoury before encountering more Newt guards these were a little stronger but ultimately no threat. Moving into the third metalworking chamber they found more Newts this time with a robed one, the barbarian charged passed all the guards to engage the robed one and was quickly beset by all of them. It was a close fought battle but eventually the heroes won and barricaded themselves in to take a rest.

Nothing disturbed their slumber and in the morning they explored further finding yet more of the guards and robed newts, the dwarven clerics spiritual guardians proved to be useful in routing them and the party then crossed over the lava via one of the massive chains. They found a tunnel that led to another rough rock chamber where a group of guards and another robed newt were with an ugly statue, as the fight ensued they quickly realised that this robed figure wasnt the same as the previous ones, as it was using powerful magic against them. The guards were despatched and the heroes took a beating as they battled the robed newt then he suddenly disappeared. After a quick check to make sure he wasnt simply invisible they smashed the statue and retreated back to their secure room to lick their multiple wounds.

Image result for firenewt warlock of imixImage result for firenewt warlock of imix

Team Chwinga

The party continued south through the jungle, encountering what looked like another of the abandoned shrines, but this one had a quartet of zombies shambling around it. They dealt with them easily and discovered a set of stone stairs leading below. Eku chose not to enter but the heroes went below. As the half-orc barbarian got about three-quarters of the way across the chamber he stepped on a pressure plate with an omnous click and triggered a portculis to spring up and block the entrance. Neither the heroes or Eku could spot anything to release the portcullis so the heroes headed further in to look for something to help. They found a stone slab against the far wall which they realised was a door and opened it to reveal a smaller chamber lit by green flaming sconces. At the centre was a stone sarcophagus and lined up against the wall with the door were four statues of warriors. They entered and opened the sarcophagus which caused the four figures to attack. Three of them appeared to be simple zombies but the fourth was something else which seemed to focus upon the dragonborn swashbuckler, even risking attacks from the others just to get at him. Eventually they defeated the creature and found the empty sarcophagus had a false bottom concealing the release lever to the portcullis. They quickly decided to leave.

Their journey continued uphill over the rise in the jungle interior and after a few days they came upon a grove of wukka trees. As they approached a chultan man in orange robes stepped out of the trees and demanded to know their business. The swashbuckler tried to pass himself off as a fellow gardener but the robed man saw through the deception and told them to be on their way. Unfortunately the swashbuckler couldn’t resist a barbed insult which angered the man and he changed into a boar-headed beastman and attacked. Despite most of their attacks doing nothing to him they were eventually able to defeat him through the use of magic and silvered weaponry and entered his grove of wukka trees to see what he was guarding. As they searched through his camp a quartet of angry-looking little bears attacked, their claws scraping at the heroes armour as they fought. The heroes were able to overcome them and Eku identified them as Zorbo’s. They searched the mans camp and recovered anything of use before continuing on their journey.

Over the next few days of bad weather they crested the high ground and began their descent, the swashbuckler scouted ahead and spotted a group of undead heading their way. Hiding to let them pass so that he could ambush them between himself and his party. The undead spotted his allies and charged in, and that’s when the ghouls paralyzed the cleric, barbarian and paladin! Thankfully most were able to shrug off the paralysis quickly but during the fight the dragonborn had to use his fire breath against a group of them and couldn’t avoid catching the barbarian in the blast too. Once the cleric and paladin were free of the paralysis the battle soon went in the heroes favour.

Another day of better weather and the heroes pushed onwards, finally reaching the end of the jungle and making their camp as darkness fell within sight of their destination.

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D&D AL – Tomb of Annihilation – update on the teams progress

Posted in Campaign, D & D 5e, D&D, Encounters with tags , , , , , , , , , on February 4, 2018 by vobeskhan

Despite my best intentions I found that I have been exceedingly lax in keeping these updated on my two tables progress through the Tomb of Annihilation, so here is an update on how the teams are getting along.

Team Zorbo

The team was greatly motivated to help the Order of the Gauntlet at Camp Vengeance, while those with healing power tended the sick the others were tasked with recovering the fishing nets. Unfortunately the laden nets had gathered the attention of a giant crocodile also and there was an altercation which resulted in the dino-shaped druid being dragged along in the reptiles mouth as it sought deeper waters. Eventually it decided to seek out less violent meals and released her.

Leaving Vengeance they decided to look for Vorn (having been given information from Wakanga in Port Nyanzaru) and found the immobile Guardian in the jungle. following a trail they discovered Yellyark but activated the launch feature. They then spent a couple of days trying to track the mobile village (unsuccessfully as the goblins felt threatened and kept on the move) before deciding to get back “on mission” and headed to Mbala.

The druid in the meantime had been visited by one of the sewn sisters and is now slowly losing health due to the nightmares. They sought information from Nanny Pupu who agreed to tell them what she knew in return for them dealing with some pesky pterafolk on the cliff edge of Mbala. Despite losing their tortle companion due to falling the 1600 feet to the floor below the rest of the party were able to defeat the pterafolk and drive off the remainders and Nanny told them that the most direct way to stop the nightmares was to kill the hag causing it.

The party then headed towards Oralunga in search of the sage rumoured to be there (and because the crazy guy in Port Nyanzaru had told them to seek out the sage), during this trek they came across a curious clearing. a single fir-tree grew in a shaded glade covered in snow (though it wasnt cold) and it had several red baubles on it. Approaching they found a Chwinga and made friends with it by giving it mayonnaise (from the Alchemy Jug), in return it allowed them to take one bauble each (a Potion of Healing from my Level Up DM Quest reward).

They found Oralunga and despite a little squeamishness gained entrance to the top of the ziggurat and the sage, getting some answers to their questions and a suggestion that there may be something to the south that could speed their journey.

They eagerly set out that way and reach Ataaz Kahakla, cautious about the large skeletons in the gorge they eventually find a way across (travelling a little out of their way to do so) and eventually coming across the wreck of the Star Goddess and Captain Amelia Smollet (I played her as the captain from Treasure Planet and being a Tabaxi), helping the stranded crew to cobble together a smaller craft capable of making it to the coast in return for a lift.

Departing from the sky sailors they follow Musharib’s directions to find Hrakhamar and set about completing their promise to aid the albino dwarf liberate his home from the fire newts. And that is where they currently are.

Team Chwinga

Despite a slow start Team Chwinga have made much progress in the intervening sessions. They overcame the trials and traps of Camp Righteous, visited Camp Vengeance where having several members of the order amongst them put them in good stead and they were told there was a missing patrol that had headed towards Mbala in search of the wise-woman there. The Dragonborn Swashbuckler also received a visit from a sewn sister and had begun losing health when he slept.

Reaching Mbala they found that there was some form of barrier preventing their guide, Eku, from entering the village so she made a meagre camp while they explored the ruins. Here they found a trio of figures gardening beside a hut and discovered them to be zombies of the missing Order patrol. After destroying them they met Nanny Pupu who calmly told them she made them from corpses she found, probably killed by the nearby pterafolk, she invited them in to share her stew while they talked. The half-orc barbarian was happy to accept but most of the party chose not to partake. That night when the swashbuckler was on watch back at their camp he saw a foggy mist cover the ruins and in the swirls could see ghostly forms of the former inhabitants going about their daily business. He chose to sneak back towards Nanny’s hut could see no sign of Nanny.

However the garden was all disturbed and just as he realised the earth had been moved from underneath he saw a hand out of the corner of his eye reaching for him – a very, very big hand! He ran back to the camp and roused his companions. They faced the creature, a flesh golem created from the amalgamation of the remaining patrol corpses and were eventually able to defeat it, and decided that as Eku had said, Nanny was not a creature of goodness. They returned to the hut but she was not to be found. Behind the hut they found a short set of rough stairs leading to a chamber with a large black iron cauldron of bubbling green liquid (despite having no heat source below it). They tipped it over, flooding the floor with the acidic fluid which reacted with the stone floor to give off noxious gas but thankfully they got out mostly unaffected. Here they saw Nanny before them just laughing at them, they tried to attack her but something else was attacking them, something unseen. Once they were able to land a blow on the laughing Nanny they discovered that it was an illusion.

Finally the monk managed to get his blanket over the invisible assailant which allowed the rest of the party to target it easier and they finally killed Nanny Pupu. This was able to then release the ghosts of Mbala and Eku was also able to finally enter the village. As they had done as she had asked she agreed that she would now lead them to Omu for free as agreed.

They began to make good pace as they continued south, encountering some zombie girallons on the way but being able to overcome them. They also found what looked to be an abandoned stone shrine, mostly intact, and chose to use it for an overnight camp. Examining the pictographs with Eku’s help they were able to see they told the story of Ubtao and the Nine Trickster gods, the dragonborn chose to beseech these gods/spirits of Chult saying that he was devoted to stopping the death curse and aid the people of Chult just as they had done in the past but he couldn’t do so if he succumbed to the death curse himself because of the hags draining his life. Amazingly, come morning he appeared to be free of the draining effect and the nightmares.

Continuing south they begin to reach the rising ground and the jungle teems with danger.


D&D AL – Tomb of Annihilation – Paths of the Righteous

Posted in Campaign, D & D 5e, D&D, Encounters with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on November 21, 2017 by vobeskhan

Session 4 for both my tables and both pick up at the cliffhangers we let at …..

Team Zorbo

Cautiously entering what they hoped was the final chamber they easily spot the arcane trap and using the information they had from last session are able to get two of their number up the pillar to retrieve the item. However the downward climb triggers one of the traps with “shocking” consequences.

Having taking quite a beating from the various traps in the ancient structure they decide to camp for the night in the former commanders tent. During the night they hear a strange noise and a couple of them investigate but all they find is a strange-looking totem pole, leaving it alone they return to camp only to have their rest disturbed again by a group of axebeaks looking for their missing fledgling. The fight light the flightless birds is short-lived.

Waking in the morning they discover that their canoes have been stolen, apparently by goblins if the tracks at the shoreline are to be believed. Begrudgingly they break camp and continue on foot along the shore towards Camp Vengeance.

They run into a Flaming Fist patrol, who demand to see their exploration permit. Looking to their guides who simply shrug, the dwarf cleric prepares to pay the cost and receive a permit but the barbarian pre-empts this by attacking the patrol leader. The mercenaries and their dino’s put up a fight but eventually are left dead in the jungle.

The evening before they expect to reach Camp Vengeance they hear the cries of a baby deeper in the jungle. Investigating reveals a pair of strange monkey like creatures in a tree which, having lured them close enough hit them with a blast of psychic energy wich leaves the barbarian stunned. Thankfully the rest of the group aren’t too far behind and the creatures are chased off with guided bolts (killing one).

Next day they reach Camp Vengeance and approached the gates …..

Team Chwinga

Bursting through the dark jungle came an Allosaurus, but not a living one, a zombie! The heroes had quite a brutal fight on their hands but were victorious. Next morning they continue their journey, though the triton ranger decides to take a swim in the river, and contracts throat leeches!

With the weather getting worse as they travelled along the river’s edge they came to an area where the ground had been washed away into the river uncovering several buried bodies. As the party investigated them they arose and attacked. Despite the unsure footing the heroes quickly put the undead back in the ground from which they came from.

Using the river as a navigation aid they continue through the jungle and come across a group of Chultans apparently tearing a triceratops apart with their bare hands and devouring it. The cleric is fairly sure their not undead, just very strange, and each has a blue triangle on their foreheads. The group tried to sneak past unnoticed but one of them unfortunately made just that little bit too much noise and the strange groups attention focused upon the party. After a very brief battle the heroes burnt the corpses (just in case), and asked their guide if she knew who they were. Eku told them that there were many small nomadic tribes surviving within the jungle, she did not know them all. The cleric examined the blue triangles and thought they were reminiscent of the mark of Dendar the Night Serpent, god of the Yaun-ti.

Continuing their journey they eventually reach the remains of Camp Righteous, and begin their exploration of it before heading into the large stone structure while Eku waited outside.

D&D AL – Tomb of Annihilation – Into the Jungle

Posted in Campaign, D & D 5e, D&D, Encounters with tags , , , , , , , , on November 5, 2017 by vobeskhan

So session 3 for my two tables and both begin their journeys into the depths of the Jungle.

Team Zorbo

The team sought out Syndra and Prince Wakanga to see if they had discovered anymore about the Death Curse, and indeed they had. Though the Soulmonger remained hidden from detailed detection they had found out that it was in somewhere called Omu and to the south in the interior. They had also been able to calculate that Syndra had a little under three months before the Curse would claim her. Both Syndra and Wakanga advised the team to seek out a guide for their journey and maybe to further knowledge from a supposed seer at Oralunga.

The team visited the compound of Prince Jobal to secure the services of one of his guides, and in the process get the services of two – the albino dwarf Musharib and the human warrior Salida, both would work for free though Musharib required the teams assistance in either driving the firenewts from his home or recovering his holy relic from their grasp.

They purchased boats, after trying to negotiate a discount from Prince Ekene-Afa. This required one of them to face the prince in a sparring contest. The teams barbarian stepped up to the task, even managing to score a critical blow on the prince, but she barely felt it and quickly put the burly warrior in the dirt of the practice ring.

Setting off from Port Nyanzaru they headed across country to join the River Soshenstar and taking to their canoes. As they travelled up river for a tenday they encountered some of the colourful fauna of the land before reaching Camp Righteous.

Investigating the abandoned camp they found the commanders notes before exploring the ancient ruin the camp surrounded.

The interior was laden with traps, some obvious, others insidiously hidden, but the heroes made their way to the innermost chamber ……….

Team Chwinga

After a restful night the team took the four pieces of the amulet to Soggy Wren who then asked them to deliver them to his Ytepka contact. Upon meeting this individual the team sensed something was a little off and a fight soon broke out, only to be further complicated when Diamsar’s puppet master made an appearance with his strange trio of scaly guards. The team was victorious thankfully and returned the now completed amulet to Soggy and the other Faction representatives.

Then they too headed to see Syndra and then on to hire a guide. The teams cleric was a member of the Order of the Gauntlet and was keen to sign Eku up but the group couldn’t afford to pay her rates. However, with the promise to help her destroy a “woman of great evil” at Mbala she agreed to defer her payment until they returned from their expedition.

Unable to afford canoes or other supplies (including insect repellant) they took to the jungle on foot, planning to follow the Soshenstar towards Camp Vengeance and then on to Mbala.

Just after setting camp for their third evening the team are awoken by Eku who was on watch as something large breaks through the dense jungle foliage and into their encampment ……

Two very fun-filled sessions, and both ending on somewhat of a cliffhanger.